The Tallahassee Area Rose Society is made up of people who share a mutual love for roses. Our members range from beginners to Master Rosarians; from those having as
few as 2 rose bushes in their garden to those having rose gardens of over 500 rose bushes.
Next Monthly Meeting – Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 5:30 at the Eastside Branch Library, 1583 Pedrick Road, Tallahassee. Topics: Paul Watson on
Non-Chemical Disease Management in Roses and The Joy of Fertigation.
After a two-year COVID-imposed hiatus, the Tallahassee Area Rose Society is making big plans to hold a rose show this year, at the end of October, 2022. I am very excited to announce that Past
Presidents and Current Board Members Jan Godfrey and Marion Nimis, and TARS Secretary Amy Beaven have very enthusiastically agreed to co-chair this show. The renovation at the Conner Building should
be completed well before our proposed show date. This is our favorite show locale and we have been penciled in for the last weekend in October. But, if necessary, other venues will be explored.
The rose show will be a great time to work together to promote beautiful roses, and to help other people to enjoy and appreciate these lovely, versatile, and extremely popular flowers. The rose
show will require a major effort by lots of people. We have lost some wonderful people who filled key roles in past rose shows, but we still have many people who have been indispensable in former
rose shows. We know that we’ll be able to count on them again and are asking all TARS members to be part of the rose show team. There will be plenty of room, and plenty of need, for the involvement
of people with any level of experience in putting on rose shows, and also for people with no experience at all in this activity. We want to involve as much of our community as we can in this effort,
be it in working on the show or showing your own beautiful roses. There will be plenty to do, before, after, and especially during, the show. If you are new to rose shows, we will train you!
What we want from you is your energy, your enthusiasm, and your ideas! For starters, we need your ideas for the name of the show that, of course, occurs just before Halloween. We’ll also need help
with publicity, setting up tables in the exhibit and preparation areas, placing the roses in their appropriate categories, clerking, post-show cleanup, taking some of the roses to area nursing homes
after the show, and no doubt many other activities that I haven’t thought of. Please let Jan, Marion, and Amy know how you’d like to be involved in the show.
As the saying goes, many hands make light work. We hope to have your help and support for the rose show, as well as your roses! We guarantee that you’ll learn a lot from the experience. But above
all, we want you to have fun doing it. So please mark October 28-30 on your calendars and let us know how you’d like to help.
Janet Newburgh
TARS President