Consulting Rosarian School

A consulting rosarian is a rose-grower specially trained and certified by the American Rose Society to provide free advice on growing roses. To become an ARS/CR, a person must have grown various types of roses for at least five years, must have been a member of the American Rose Society for the last three years, must attend a CR school, and pass a written examination. The ARS needs a well-motivated and educated group of CRs if the ARS is to continue to succeed in its mission.


The Tallahassee Area Rose Society will be hosting a CR school in Tallahassee on Saturday, July 23, 2022. It's a four-hour program.


The Deep South District of the ARS (Alabama, Florida and Georgia) holds a consulting rosarian school at their annual mid-winter meeting.  Other schools may be held.  For more information visit the DSD website


You can find out more about becoming a consulting rosarian by visiting the DDS website

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